Earlier today, the official Google Pixel 3 wallpapers leaked online along with the Pixel Wallpapers app containing the new Live Wallpapers. While the high-quality still images of the live wallpapers are nice, what people really want are the new Google Pixel 3 Live Wallpapers. The few users who could install the leaked Live Wallpapers APK discovered that some of the wallpapers appeared on the Always on Display on their Google Pixel 2, but most users can’t install it because the APK requires an Android Pie device. Now, XDA Recognized Developer Pranav Pandey has ported the Pixel 3 Live Wallpapers app so it’ll work on Android 6.0 Marshmallow and later.
You may recognize Pranav Pandey from his work on Rotation – Orientation Manager or other open source projects but most importantly, his previous port of the Google Pixel 2 Live Wallpapers last year. He’s back at it again with a port of the Google Pixel 3’s Live Wallpapers—only hours after the wallpapers leaked online yet weeks before the official announcement on October 9th!
There are 28 total wallpapers divided into two groups: “Come Alive” and “Living Universe.” There are 5 sets of wallpapers in the “Coming Alive” group:
- Bloom Cloud, Bloom Sky, Bloom Sunrise
- Bubble Up Lemon, Bubble Up Peach, Bubble Up Plum
- Burst Dusk, Burst Forest, Burst Midnight
- Groove After Dark, Groove Chill, Groove Party
- Pixie Cobalt, Pixie Emerald, Pixie Periwinkle
There are 4 sets of new wallpapers in the “Living Universe” group:
- Bird’s-Eye View, Zion National Park
- Light the Way, Schwyz
- White Sands, Sonoran Desert
- Tropical Voyage, Malolo Barrier Reef
Like the Live Wallpapers pack from the Google Pixel 2, these Live Wallpapers are more than just animated videos playing in the background. They might react to music playback, notifications, time of day, movement, and more. Here’s a preview of the Live Wallpapers you’ll get in this port of the Pixel 3’s Pixel Wallpapers app, which was leaked online by @IshanAgarwal24.
- Download Google Pixel 3 Live Wallpapers Port
- Google Pixel 3 Forums
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- На картошке не пойдёт. Раскрыты системные требования новой Half-Life
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- Джентльменский набор XXI века — нож, мультитул, фонарь и термос
Download Google Pixel 3 Live Wallpapers Port
As noted before, this is a port of the Live Wallpapers from the upcoming Pixel 3 devices. Unlike the original APK which requires you to be on an official Android Pie release or a custom ROM, this should be installable on any ARM64 Android device running Android 6.0 Marshmallow or later. That means if your device is on Android 6.0 Marshmallow, Android 7.0 Nougat, Android 7.1 Nougat, Android 8.0 Oreo, or Android 8.1 Oreo, you can enjoy the Google Pixel 3 Live Wallpapers. The developer has split the Live Wallpaper port into two separate versions: One for Android 6.0 – Android 7.1 devices and another for Android 8.0 – Android 8.1 devices. This is because Android 7.1 and below devices can’t support the audio visualization wallpapers (Groove) while Android 8.0 and above devices can.
On some devices from Samsung, Xiaomi, and others, you’ll need to also install the Google Wallpapers app from the Google Play Store to set these live wallpapers. You can download it from the link below.
WallpapersDeveloper: Google LLCPrice: FreeLastly, here are the download links to the Live Wallpapers port.
Android 6.0 – Android 7.1
Download Google Pixel 3 Live Wallpapers for Android 6.0-Android 7.1
Download Google Pixel 3 Live Wallpapers for Android 6.0-Android 7.1 [Mirror]
Android 8.0 – Android 8.1
Download Google Pixel 3 Live Wallpapers for Android 8.0-Android 8.1
Download Google Pixel 3 Live Wallpapers for Android 8.0-Android 8.1 [Mirror]
The developer states that he had to remove the WallpaperColors API so it would work on older devices. That means the SystemUI color will not change according to the live wallpaper. We highly recommend you visit the XDA forum thread below to stay up to date on the latest developments by Pranav Pandey. If you have any issues with the port, you’ll find the developer active on this thread. If there are any updates to the port, you’ll also find them here.
Visit Forum Thread for Google Pixel Live Wallpapers Port by Pranav Pandey
Android 9 Pie
If your device is running Android Pie, we recommend you sideload the official APK as well as the Google Wallpapers app.
Download Google Pixel 3 Live Wallpapers for Android 9 Pie devices
Live Wallpaper Stills
In case you don’t want the full set of Live Wallpapers or they lag on your device, you can also download high-quality stills from the link below, courtesy of @IshanAgarwal24.
Download Google Pixel 3 Wallpaper Stills
Google Pixel 3 Forums
Our forums are already open for both the Google Pixel 3 and Google Pixel 3 XL, so join them to discuss the latest tips, tricks, accessories, and more for the new Pixel 3 series!
Join the Google Pixel 3 Forums
Join the Google Pixel 3 XL Forums
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Компания Google старается наделять свои смартфоны не только хорошим железом, но и множеством интересных программных функций, которые недоступны на других устройствах. Новые живые обои из Pixel 2 и Pixel 2 XL — одна из таких фишек.
Pixel 2 Live Wallpapers — это целая серия высококачественных анимированных фонов для рабочего стола со спутниковыми снимками, пейзажами и геометрическими узорами. Они могут взаимодействовать с пользователем и реагировать на изменение окружающей обстановки. Например, геометрические узоры изменяются от положения гаджета в пространстве, а Земля на спутниковом снимке вращается в соответствии с часовым поясом.
Индийскому программисту Pranav Pandey удалось извлечь необходимые файлы из прошивки новых смартфонов и модифицировать их таким образом, чтобы они работали на любом устройстве под управлением Android 6.0 и выше. Единственное условие — наличие на смартфоне приложения «Обои» от Google.
Обои Разработчик: Google LLC Цена: БесплатноДля установки новых живых обоев необходимо скачать модифицированное приложение с сайта APKMirror. Установите его на свой смартфон, после чего откройте программу «Обои» и промотайте экран в самый низ.
Здесь вы увидите новый раздел, который называется «Живые обои». Выберите понравившуюся картинку и наслаждайтесь.
Скачать Pixel Wallpapers 2017 →
Google Released Google Pixel Smartphone With Stable Android v7.1 (Nougat). The phone packs with 1.6 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 processor and it comes with 4GB of RAM. It Has 5.0 inches AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, With Resolution Of 1080 x 1920 Pixels Display. It’s Lets You Snap Fair 12.3-Megapixel back camera For taking good photo & 8-Megapixel Front Camara For Selfie. It Has Non-removable Li-Ion 2770 mAh Battery. Sensors In The Phone Include Compass Magnetometer, Proximity sensor, Accelerometer, Ambient light sensor, Gyroscope, and Barometer.
May User want Google Pixel Live Wallpapers for their smartphone, people want all live wallpapers in one folder. We Just Got all Google Pixel Live Wallpapers And Today We Want To Share With You this wallpapers. we upload it apk format all live wallpapers in one folder. Do You Like Google Pixel Live Wallpapers? There are total 8 Live Wallpapers all are of high-quality resolution and beautiful. Just scroll down, Download all wallpapers And Set It On Your Smartphone’s Home-Screen.
This phone is equipped with beautiful live wallpaper. You Can See Some Of Preview Image Above, All live_Wallpapers Are New And Look beautiful. Just Click On The Link Below To Download All Google_Pixel Live_Wallpapers. After the file downloaded, extract it and copy To your device then go to a choose that you want to apply on your device and apply it and enjoy.
For Android 6.0
For Android 7.0
If You Want Wallpapers For your Device, Then Don’t Forget To Browse Our Wallpapers Section.

Моддер превратил Skyrim в динамичный ролевой экшен
ОдноВ из самых серьёзных преимуществ и одновременно главный недостаток TES V: Skyrim — её невероятно казуальная боевая система. Это хорошо, когда речь об охвате максимальной аудитории, но плохо, когда за дело берутся опытные геймеры: им будет скучно. Спустя 8 лет после выхода TES V появился мод, превращающий Skyrim в куда более хардкорную игру.
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На картошке не пойдёт. Раскрыты системные требования новой Half-Life
В четверг, 21 ноября, в 21:00 по московскому времени Valve представила на суд общественности первый полноценный трейлер следующей главы Half-Life. Как и ожидалось, это VR-тайтл, повествующий о приключениях Аликс Вэнс, верной напарницы Гордона Фримена, в период между первой и второй номерными частями саги. Как оказалось, для игры в Alyx потребуется не только дорогой шлем виртуальной реальности, но и, согласно минимальным системным требованиям, мощный компьютер.
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Джентльменский набор XXI века — нож, мультитул, фонарь и термос
Всех ситуаций не предусмотришь, но к некоторым можно подготовиться заранее. Мелкий домашний ремонт, поход в компании друзей, выезд на дачу или рыбалку станут проще, если под рукой имеются необходимые инструменты и аксессуары. Выясняем, что пригодится человеку, ведущему активный образ жизни, но не желающему захламлять жильё и таскать с собой лишнее.
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Google’s Pixels come with some pretty snazzy «live» wallpapers that respond with parallax and motion effects to your touch and phone orientation, and the aptly-named application that controls these live wallpapers on the Pixel 4, called Pixel Live Wallpaper, has just appeared on the Play Store. Unfortunately for folks hoping to emulate the Pixel experience, this official app is for Pixel 4 and 4 XL only.
App listing as it appears on a Pixel 4 (left), and Pixel 3 (right).
The new listing should mean that Google can deliver updates to its live wallpapers independently of system updates, which means any future fixes, features, or new live wallpapers can be more easily rolled out without waiting on monthly updates. It is possible compatibility for the app could also expand in the future to support other phones (like older Pixels, maybe?), though it currently appears to be limited to the Pixel 4. Note that the listing for the app may not even appear on your account if you don’t have a compatible device.
The initial release of the app to the Play Store is also prompting an update for Pixel 4 owners, though we aren’t sure if there are any new features present in this version. A quick glance doesn’t show any differences on our end, but we’ll let you know if that changes.
Non-Pixel 4 owners shouldn’t fret too much. The Live Wallpaper app was previously ported to other phones, and I’m sure any new features or new wallpapers that could potentially debut via an app update can be easily ported as well.
- Source:
- Play Store
Используемые источники:
- https://www.xda-developers.com/download-google-pixel-3-live-wallpapers-port/
- https://lifehacker.ru/pixel-2-live-wallpapers/
- https://www.gizdev.com/google-pixel-live-wallpapers/
- https://4pda.ru/2017/10/15/347379/
- https://www.androidpolice.com/2019/10/23/pixel-live-wallpaper-app-arrives-on-play-store/