Plus what you can do in debug mode

Tap Build number repeatedly until you see a notification that reads «You are now a developer.»

Go back to the main Settings menu, then tap Developer options.

If using Android Pie, you must tap Advancedoptions to reveal the Developer options.
Tap the toggle switch in the top-right corner to enable developer options (if it's not already enabled).
Tap OK to confirm.
Tap the USB debugging toggle switch.
Tap OK to confirm.
The next time you plug your device into a computer, you'll receive a prompt asking if you want to authorize USB debugging for that computer. Tap OK to confirm.
If your PC doesn't detect your Android device, you may need to download the appropriate device driver.
How to Disable USB Debugging on Android
To turn off USB debugging, return to the Developer options menu and tap the USB debugging toggle switchagain.
To reset which computers can access your Android device in debug mode, return to the Developer optionsmenu and tap Revoke USB debugging authorizations.
Security Risks of USB Debugging
Putting your device in debug mode leaves it more vulnerable to malware and outside attacks. For this reason, you'll receive a security prompt each time you connect your device to a new PC. Avoid plugging your device into public charging ports or using public Wi-Fi networks with debug mode enabled.
If you lose your device with debug mode turned on, a tech savvy thief could access your personal data without knowing your passwords. Therefore, you should always turn off debugging when you don't need it.
For extra security, set up the Find My Device feature, which allows you to locate your device or erase its data remotely if it's ever lost or stolen.
Android Debugging Apps
There are apps available in the Google Play store that purportedly make it easier to enable USB debugging; however, considering how simple the process already is, there's no reason to download an app for this purpose.
How to Enable USB Debugging With a Broken Screen
If your Android's touchscreen is broken, yet you can still see the display, it may be possible to use a mouse to activate debug mode, provided your device supports On-The-Go (OTG) technology. If it does, connect a mouse via an OTG cable to navigate your device settings without using the touch screen.
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The ways to enable USB Debugging mode, which is accounted for the key step in Android rooting process, vary from one Android version to another. USB Debugging is required by adb, which is used for rooting, backing up, installing a custom ROM, tacking screenshots from computer and more.
1. Android 2.0-2.3.x Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging. 2. Android 3.0- 4.1.x Settings > Developer Options > USB Debugging. 3. Android 4.2.x and higher. In Android 4.2 and higher versions, the Developer Options menu and USB Debugging option have been hidden. In former 4.X versions of Android, USB Debugging option is under Developer Options menu.
- Click Menu button to enter into App drawer.
- Go to «Settings».
- Scroll down to the bottom and tap «About phone» or «About tablet»,
- Scroll down to the bottom of the «About phone» and locate the «Build Number» field.
- Tap the Build number field seven times to enable Developer Options. Tap a few times and you'll see a countdown that reads «You are now 3 steps away from being a developer.»
- When you are done, you'll see the message «You are now a developer!».
- Tap the Back button and you'll see the Developer options menu under System on your Settings screen.
- Go to Settings>Developer Options>USB Debugging. Tap the USB Debugging checkbox.
First, you need to enable «Developer Options Menu».
Now, you can enable USB Debugging mode.
4. Android 5.0 Lollipop To enable USB Debugging on Android 5.0 Lollipop is the same as Android 4.2.x.
- Settings > About Phone > Build number > Tap it 7 times to become developer;
- Settings > Developer Options > USB Debugging.
Warning USB Debugging should only be enabled when you need it. Leaving it enabled all the time is kind of a security risk for that this mode grants you high-level access to your device. Say if you connect your Android phone to a USB charging port in a public location, the port could use the USB access to your phone to access data on your phone or install malware. This could happen when and only when USB debugging mode is enabled.
To disable USB Debugging and other developer options when you don't need them, slide the switch at the top of the screen to OFF.
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В дальнейшем, вы можете отключить отладку в том же разделе меню, а при необходимости — отключить и убрать из меню Настроек пункт «Для разработчиков» (ссылка на инструкцию с необходимыми действиями была приведена выше).
When a kernel debugging connection is established, the system gives a kernel debugger control over its execution. Also, when a bug check occurs or a kernel-mode program communicates with a debugger, the computer waits for a response from a kernel debugger before it continues.
There are four basic debugging methods that you can configure by using boot parameters:
Single-computer (local) debugging
Debugging with a null-modem cable
Debugging with an IEEE 1394 cable (only if the target computer and the host computer are both running Microsoft Windows 7 or a later version of Windows)
Debugging with a USB 2.0 debug cable (only if the target computer and the host computer are both running Microsoft Windows 7 or a later version of Windows)
To enable kernel debugging on a single computer, use the BCDEdit /debug boot option.
To use BCDEdit, open a Command Prompt window with elevated privileges (right-click Command Prompt and click Run as administrator from the shortcut menu).
The /debug option has the following syntax:
bcdedit /debug [{ID}] { on | off }
The {ID} is the ID that is associated with the boot entry, such as {DEFAULT} for the default OS boot entry. If you do not specify an {ID}, the command modifies the operating system that is currently active. For more information about working with boot entry identifiers, see Boot Options Identifiers.
The following command enables kernel debugging for the current Windows operating system boot entry:
bcdedit /debug on
You can use the bcdedit /enum command to view the current boot entries and their settings.
For more details, see BCDEdit /debug.
To enable debugging with a null-modem cable in Windows, use BCDEdit and set the debugging connection type to «SERIAL». You can set this globally by using the BCDEdit /dbgsettings command followed by serial, or set it for a specific boot entry by using the BCDEdit /set command followed by debugtype serial. You must also use the BCDEdit /debug command to enable kernel debugging globally or for the desired operating system.
If BCDEdit has not been used, the default global debug settings are for serial communications, using COM1 and a baud rate of 115,200.
To display the current settings, use the following command:
bcdedit /dbgsettings debugtype Serial debugport 1 baudrate 115200
To use BCDEdit, open a Command Prompt window with elevated privileges (right-click Command Prompt and click Run as administrator from the shortcut menu).
To set the global debug settings to serial communications, use the following syntax:
bcdedit /dbgsettings serial [ debugport:port] [ baudrate:baud]
The following example shows how to specify serial communications as the global debug setting.
bcdedit /dbgsettings serial debugport:1 baudrate:115200
To set the debug settings to serial for a specific boot entry, or for the current entry, use the following syntax:
bcdedit /set [{ID}] debugtype serial
bcdedit /set [{ID}] debugportport
bcdedit /set [{ID}] baudratebaud
If no {ID} is specified, the settings apply to the currently active boot entry.
The following example shows how to specify the serial debug settings for a the default boot entry. To enable the debug settings, you must reboot your computer and select that boot entry you have configured for debugging.
bcdedit /set debugtype serial
bcdedit /set debugport 1
bcdedit /set baudrate 115200
bcdedit /debug on
You can use the bcdedit /enum command to view the current boot entries and their settings.
For more details, see BCDEdit /debug and BCDEdit /dbgsettings.
To enable debugging with an IEEE 1394 cable in Windows, use BCDEdit and set the debugging connection type to «1394». You can set this globally by using the BCDEdit /dbgsettings command followed by 1394, or set it for a specific boot entry by using the BCDEdit /set command followed by debugtype 1394. You must also use the BCDEdit /debug command to enable kernel debugging globally or for the desired operating system.
To use BCDEdit, open a Command Prompt window with elevated privileges (right-click Command Prompt and click Run as administrator from the shortcut menu).
To set the debug settings for 1394 globally, use the following syntax:
bcdedit /dbgsettings 1394 [ channel:channel ]
The following example shows how to specify 1394 as the global debug setting.
bcdedit /dbgsettings 1394 channel:32
To set the debug settings to 1394 for a specific boot entry, or for the current entry, use the following syntax:
bcdedit /set [{ID}] debugtype 1394
bcdedit /set [{ID}] channelchannel
If an {ID} is not specified, the settings apply to the current boot entry.
The following example shows how to specify the 1394 debug settings for a specific boot entry, and how to use the /debug option to enable kernel debugging for the default boot entry. Note that to enable the debug settings, you must reboot your computer and select the boot entry you have configured for debugging.
bcdedit /set debugtype 1394
bcdedit /set channel 32
bcdedit /debug on
You can use the bcdedit /enum command to view the current boot entries and their settings.
For more details, see BCDEdit /debug and BCDEdit /dbgsettings.
To enable debugging with a USB cable in these versions of Windows, use BCDEdit and set the debugging connection type to «USB». You can set this globally by using the BCDEdit /dbgsettings command followed by usb, or set it for a specific boot entry by using the BCDEdit /set command followed by debugtype usb. You must also use the BCDEdit /debug command to enable kernel debugging globally or for the desired operating system.
To use BCDEdit, open a Command Prompt window with elevated privileges (right-click Command Prompt and click Run as administrator from the shortcut menu).
To set the debug settings for USB globally, use the following syntax:
bcdedit /dbgsettings usb [targetname:name]
The following example shows how to specify USB as the global debug setting.
bcdedit /dbgsettings usb targetname:U1
To set the debug settings to USB for a specific boot entry, or for the current entry, use the following syntax:
bcdedit /set [{ID}] debugtype usb
bcdedit /set [{ID}] targetnamename]
If no {ID} is specified, the settings apply to the current boot entry.
The following example shows how to specify the USB debug settings for a specific boot entry, and how to use the /debug command to enable kernel debugging for the default boot entry. Note that to enable the debug settings, you must reboot your computer and select the boot entry you have configured for debugging.
bcdedit /set debugtype usb
bcdedit /set targetname u2
bcdedit /debug on
You can use the bcdedit /enum command to view the current boot entries and their settings.
For more details, see BCDEdit /debug and BCDEdit /dbgsettings.
To enable boot debugging, use the BCDEdit /bootdebug command and specify the appropriate boot component. If you wish to perform kernel debugging after Windows starts, use the BCDEdit /debug command as well.
You must also select a debugging connection (serial, 1394, or USB). This can be done with either the BCDEdit /dbgsettings or BCDEdit /set command, just as in normal kernel debugging.
For more details, see BCDEdit /bootdebug.
Когда люди приобретают мобильное устройство на платформе Android, то в большинстве случаев следуют моде, не догадываясь о том, насколько возможности нового девайса превосходят их прежний телефон. Чаще всего владельцы новых смартфонов или планшетов применяют только 10% изо всех возможностей электронного устройства. Из внимания пользователей выпадает так называемый режим USB-отладки, или USB Debugging.
Данный режим будет интересен как для профессионалов, так и для обычных владельцев, т.к. позволяет совершить следующие действия (необходима также утилита ADB (Android Debug Bridge – отладочный мост Андроид), из состава Android SDK):
Для наглядного примера по активации режима USB-отладки можно будет произвести все манипуляции на смартфоне ZTE V880H с установленной производителем мобильной операционной системой Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean.
Для этого нужно выполнить несколько простых действий.
1. Зайти в «Меню», найти иконку приложения «Настройки».
2. После этого открыть касанием пункт «Настройки» и найти подпункт «Для разработчиков».
3. Нужно зайти в данный подпункт, выбрать из предложенных в нем название «Отладка для USB» и активировать его, поставив галочку в квадратике рядом.
4. Следующий шаг проявит система, которая задаст вопрос пользователю «Разрешить отладку USB?» и напишет ниже пояснение сути данного режима. Нужно будет подтвердить «ОК» или нажать на слово «Отмена».
5. Если выбран «ОК», то режим USB-отладки будет включен и рядом с его названием загорится галочка.
6. Теперь владелец сможет производить со своим устройством описанные выше манипуляции. Следует помнить, что для них обязательно будет нужна утилита ADB (Android Debug Bridge – отладочный мост Андроид).
Итак, режим USB-отладки активирован, и пользователь может расширить в применении способности своего устройства на платформе Android, которое теперь станет для его владельца действительно необходимым помощником. Что такое режим USB-отладки (USB Debugging) на Андроид
- https://www.lifewire.com/enable-usb-debugging-android-4690927
- https://www.kingoapp.com/root-tutorials/how-to-enable-usb-debugging-mode-on-android.htm
- https://remontka.pro/usb-debug-enable-android/
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/boot-parameters-to-enable-debugging
- https://4pda.biz/stati/1119-chto-takoe-rezhim-usb-otladki-usb-debugging-na-android.html