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Содержание Maxima 5.43.0
Maxima — система для работы с символьными и численными выражениями, включающая дифференцирование, интегрирование, разложение в ряд, преобразование Лапласа, обыкновенные дифференциальные уравнения, системы линейных уравнений, многочлены, множества, списки, векторы, матрицы и тензоры.Maxima производит численные расчеты высокой точности, используя точные дроби, целые числа и числа с плавающей точкой произвольной точности. Система позволяет строить графики функций и статистических данных в двух и трех измерениях.См. также Maxima для Linux.
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Files to install Maxima can be downloaded from the Files section in the Sourceforge repository. That section contains links to various different versions and releases of Maxima.
The section Recent Releases (on the right or at the bottom of this page) shows the most recent releases and clicking on a release number will show the Change Log for it.
It is also possible to test Maxima without installing it, by using a Maxima online interface.
Read the section: Installation of Maxima in Windows
The most recent version can be found in the Maxima-MacOS download section and the The MaximaList blog has a good tutorial to install Maxima in Mac OS.
Using a Linux package
Most Linux distributions include a Maxima package that can be installed with the package manager. Distributions based on .deb packages will automatically install maxima on clicking this link. Be aware that the complete Maxima code might come split into several packages; some functionalities might not work if some of those packages have not been installed.
Manually installing maxima on RPM based systems
The section Maxima-Linux in the Sourceforge repository provides RPM packages created by the Maxima developers. You can chose one of the files named: name-version.i386.rpm
, where the first part is the name of each package and the second part are the numbers that identify the version. The minimum set of packages that must be installed are maxima and maxima-exec-clisp. Since they both depend on each other, they should be installed with a single rpm command:
rpm -ivh maxima-x.y.z-n.i386.rpm maxima-exec-clisp-x.y.z-n.i386.rpm
Clisp and Gnuplot should be installed in your system.
You may also want to install maxima-xmaxima, which provides the Xmaxima front-end and one of the graphic engines used by some of Maxima’s plotting commands.
The maxima-lang packages provide translations of the manual into various languages, although none of those translations are complete.
Manually installing maxima on debian-based systems
Maxima-Linux Contains .deb files that can be downloaded and manually installed on debian-based systems.
- maxima-common contains many files needed in order to run and install the actual maxima binary.
- maxima-sbcl provides a maxima binary that was compiled with sbcl. It should be reasonably fast and able to run even on systems with no sbcl installed.
- maxima-gcl provides a maxima binary that was compiled with gcl. It might be considerably faster or slower than sbcl, depending on the task.
- maxima-ecl provides a maxima binary that was compiled with ecl. Performance-wise it normally ranges between clisp and sbcl.
- maxima-clisp provides a maxima binary that was compiled with clisp. It should be extremely memory-efficient and able to run on every system that has a similar clisp to that maxima was compiled with installed.
To be able to run Maxima, both maxima-common and at least one of the above binaries have to be installed. Most systems contain a program that automatically installs .deb packages on double-clicking them. If that isn’t the case the following command will install packages:
If dpkg claims that some dependencies aren’t fulfilled the required packages an automatic install and download of these can be triggered by issuing the following command:
sudo apt-get -f install
Distribution-independent packages
Maxima is also part of the distribution-independent snap package of wxMaxima. Informations about installing snaps can be found here.
The download instructions and links can be found in the Maxima on Android page.
Source Code
In systems not included in the previous list or if you want to build a more recent Maxima version or with a different Lisp flavor, get the source code from the Maxima-source subsection. Unpack the file and follow the instructions given in file INSTALL, which can also be read on-line.
The most recent development version of the source code can be downloaded from the GIT repository. That page shows the git command that should be used to obtain a complete copy of the repository. After getting the code, follow the instructions in INSTALL.git.
Nightly builds
For Windows a nightly build can be downloaded from Wolfgang Dautermann’s Website that also provides detailled results of compilation and testbench runs on many different lisps. For Ubuntu Linux nightly builds of maxima are provided at launchpad.net.
If the snappy apps infrastructure is installed (Info on installing it manually is here) the following command installs a distribution-independent, though large nightly build of maxima + wxMaxima on entering the following command:
sudo snap install --edge wxmaxima
Even if there is no guarantee that a nightly build will work, the Maxima team tries to keep its codebase as stable as possible which means that if something is broken in the nightly build which did work in the release this information normally is important for the developers.
The Xmaxima and Imaxima interfaces are part of the Maxima project and they come included with Maxima. The links to download other independent front-ends can be found in the Projects Related to Maxima section.
Maxima — система для работы с символьными и численными выражениями, включающая дифференцирование, интегрирование, разложение в ряд, преобразование Лапласа, обыкновенные дифференциальные уравнения, системы линейных уравнений, многочлены, множества, списки, векторы, матрицы и тензоры. Maxima производит численные расчеты высокой точности, используя точные дроби, целые числа и числа с плавающей точкой произвольной точности. Система позволяет строить графики функций и статистических данных в двух и трех измерениях.
Исходный код Maxima может компилироваться на многих системах, включая Windows, Linux и MacOS X. На SourceForge доступны исходные коды и исполняемые файлы для Windows и Linux.
Maxima — потомок Macsyma, легендарой системы компьютерной алгебры, разработанной в начале 60-х в MIT. Это единственная основанная на Macsyma система, все еще публично доступная и имеющая активное сообщество пользователей благодаря своей открытости. Macsyma произвела в свое время переворот в компьютерной алгебре и оказала влияние на многие другие системы, в числе которых Maple и Mathematica.
Мы постоянно обновляем Maxima, чтобы исправлять ошибки и улучшать код и документацию. От сообщества пользователей Maxima приветствуются замечания и участие в разработке. Большая часть обсуждений проходит в списках рассылки.
The default calculators that come with the operating systems only handle the basic mathematical operations. If you want a tool that is a soft copy version of the scientific calculators then you need to download and install this tool. It is a tool that performs calculus, nonlinear algebraic equation, trigonometry among others. The interface is simple and straightforward. Your work is to input the number and of course make good use of the order of operations to get the right answers. It also comes in handy to give explanations on the calculation.
It can also act as a simple maths tutor. Moreover, it comes with an editor to redo, undo, recall and even store some of the calculations for later use. Other additional functions of this application include simplification of surds design and creation of n-dimension equations, dealing with arguments. A renowned mathematician handling higher education curriculum will also find this tool useful especially the complex part of it. When it comes to the presentation of data then this is the right too, it does the recording, analyzing and presentation of data in various types of graphs and pie charts. The automated functions of this tool make it the most ideal for all mathematical functions.
Maxima is licensed as freeware for PC or laptop with Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. It is in mathematics category and is available to all software users as a free download.
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Author |
Last Updated On |
January 10, 2019 |
Runs on |
Total downloads |
1,910 |
License |
Free |
File size |
125,21 MB |
Filename |
maxima-clisp-sbcl-5.42.1-win32.exe maxima-clisp-sbcl-5.42.1-win64.exe |
- https://soft.softodrom.ru/ap/maxima-p9876
- http://maxima.sourceforge.net/download.html
- http://maxima.sourceforge.net/ru/
- https://softfamous.com/maxima/